Todwick Primary School Prospectus

Dear Parents/Carers

The aim of the school prospectus is to help you understand more about Todwick School, our school ethos and how our school is organised.

At Todwick Primary School we aim to create a happy and stimulating learning environment. Our curriculum is designed to embrace active learning to engage all children.

Todwick Primary School caters for boys and girls through their primary years, with children starting in the year in which they become five years old.

Todwick School is a bright and happy place where you’ll see lots of smiling faces and a warm welcome.  We are very lucky to have a fantastic and stimulating learning environment.  In the grounds are two playgrounds and a large school field.  The seven classrooms are all generously sized and well equipped with resources to complement the 21st century curriculum.  

We create exciting immersive classrooms which change each term with new topics and novel studies.  They are always fun and the children love them.  Being part of an evolving school is very exciting and we encourage all children, parents, governors and staff to play an integral part in shaping the school as an effective and supportive learning community.

Children come into our school from a number of villages and local areas.  They bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding about the world around them. It is our aim to build on this knowledge, to nurture and promote positive attitudes and values as well as enthusiasm for life-long learning.

Good education involves strong partnership between home and school and at Todwick School we value this relationship highly.  We believe that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit. When your child starts at our school, it is not where your job ends and ours begins. It is the start of an exciting new journey we travel together.

As a school, we look forward to sharing this period of your child's life with you.

Yours sincerely,

Alice Deeley

Head teacher

Pupils on roll:                     204

Type and age range:         Primary School 4-11 years

Head teacher:                    Mrs Alice Deeley

Deputy Head:                    Mrs E Perry

Assistant Head:                 Miss L Hawksworth

OFSTED Rating:               Good in All Areas (June 2023)


Alice Deeley (Staff – Headteacher)

Emma Perry (Staff - Deputy Headteacher)

Chair of Governors TBC

Lindsay Wootton-Ashforth - Safeguarding Governor

Ellie Shepherd - Local Authority Governor

Simon Newton (Parent Governor)

Jessica Jackson (Parent Governor)

Rebecca Warnes (Co-Opted Governor)


School hours:                      Morning lessons 08:45—12:00 

                                            Lunchtime  12:00 -  13:00

Afternoon  lessons              13:00 - 15:15  (5.5 learning hours per day)

Local Authority:                       Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

                                                Riverside House, Main Street, Rotherham

                                                01709 382121.


The Staff

Teaching Staff:                               Mrs E Perry, Mrs H Cocking (mat leave), Mrs Roberts (mat leave),

                                                       Miss L Pearson (Y1 mat cover) Miss L Hawksworth, Miss M Jackson, Miss T Hutchinson,

                                                       Mrs K Pick, Mrs C Brown,


Teaching Assistants:                    Mrs S Higson, Mrs R Gabbitas, Mrs R Street,

                                                     Mrs M Johnson, Mrs S Sanders, Mrs S Wood

                                                     Miss A Garfitt, Miss R Holmes


1:1 Teaching Assistants              Mr M Walker, Miss R Holmes


Lunchtime Assistants                   Miss R Holmes, Mrs W Light,  Mrs K Gregory,

                                                     Mrs J Bignell, Mrs T Norman, Miss L Platt


Wraparound Care Staff:               Mrs R Gabbitas, Mrs T Radford, Miss R Holmes

                                                     Mrs K Gregory, Mr K Light


School Business Manager:          Mrs D Anderson

School Secretary:                         Ms T Radford                          

Caretaker/Site Manager:              Mr M Haywood

Todwick Primary School is:

  • A welcoming, caring and inclusive school where children are happy, well motivated and challenged to achieve high standards through a rich and active curriculum that is meaningful and fun.
  • A place where all members of the school community have opportunities to enjoy growing and learning together.


Our Mission Statement

Todwick Primary School aims to serve its community by providing the highest quality teaching and learning, delivering a curriculum for the development of the whole child and one that prepares them for their future in a safe, happy, caring and stimulating environment.

Todwick Primary School operates within an ethos of shared values highlighting  honesty, respect and kindness. The school encourages these values through the experiences it offers and the expectations it upholds.

We value children, parents and carers, staff and governors as partners in education and will seek to involve them and the wider community in the life of the school.

Our School Motto:

“Be the Best that We Can Be”

Todwick Primary School aims to:

  • Ensure that learning is fun and memorable. (Be a smart, bright and interesting place to learn).  Creativity will be encouraged.  Active and experiential learning will stimulate and motivate children.
  • Be a smart, bright and exciting immersive environment to engage our children in learning.
  • Nurture children so that they are happy and secure with an individual sense of self worth. Achievements will be celebrated and valued by all.
  • Create a positive, caring atmosphere which reflects our shared values and promotes a sense of community.
  • Develop a community of confident, life-long learners and responsible citizens.
  • Promote challenge through high expectations of learning and behaviour.
  • Grow and change but remain true to our vision

We believe the route to achieving these aims is through many things: the promotion of confidence and self-belief, inquiry and curiosity, enthusiasm and challenge, sharing and learning together, accepting and embracing differences, openness, self respect and persistence.

Our school is inclusive. We want all of our children to feel welcomed, accepted, happy and fulfilled. We recognise that all children are different and that these differences create opportunities for adults and children alike to learn more about themselves and to respect each other. Helping children to developing positive attitudes and values is an important feature of our work.

If a child has a disability they will be treated no less favourably than other children. We will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that pupils with disabilities are not placed at a substantial disadvantage.  Accessibility arrangements are already in place in order to enable physical access to the school, the curriculum and to written information for all people.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that people with a disability are not treated differently without lawful justification. We will make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils and we will know we have succeeded when disabled students are participating fully in school life.

In order to maintain effective partnerships between home and school we anticipate parents/carers will want to:

  • Inform the school at the earliest opportunity if their child has a disability and the exact nature of it
  • Provide the information the school needs to plan effectively for the child to be a full member of the school community
  • Acknowledge that when deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable, one of the factors that the Head Teacher must consider is the effect of the proposed change on all members of the school community
  • Recognise the importance of home and school working in partnership

The school has a policy for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) which is available from the school office or the school website www.todwickps.org  Our aim is for all children to have access to all aspects of school life, as far as is reasonable and practicable.

The school recognises the needs of the wider community and is committed to providing opportunities for life-long learning. We provide a warm and welcoming breakfast club every morning and a range of extra curricular activities for the children.

The school opened in 1968.  The school building comprises seven separate classrooms, with a Foundation Stage 2/Reception class (FS2), two infant/key stage 1 classes (year 1 and year 2) and four junior/key stage 2 classes (Year 3 to Year 6). The children are currently taught in single year group classes. Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and three PCs. The children also have access to a class set of IPADS and an ICT suite that contains 15 PCs and an interactive whiteboard.

In addition we have two small teaching rooms for group or 1:1 teaching and a school library/music room. There is a hall and dining room with a pupils’ kitchen.  School meals are cooked on the premises.

We have two playgrounds, a timber trail for key stage 2 children, a school field, an outdoor classroom and outdoor learning areas, one dedicated to the Foundation Stage class, and others which are accessed by the whole school. There is a Ground Force Team that comprises pupils, staff, governors and parents who are active in developing the school grounds for learning outside the classroom.

Many of our pupils come from our local catchment area which includes the nearby village of Thorpe Salvin. Other pupils travel to us from neighbouring villages. 

The admission limit for our FS2 class is 30 pupils per year; this is also the limit for KS1 classes. Children are grouped according to age and are usually taught most subjects by their class teachers or higher level teaching assistants, except for modern foreign language (French) and some specific activities such as music tuition, off-site swimming in Y5 and some PE lessons.

School Council

Our school recognises the importance of the ‘pupil voice’ and effectively involves children in decision-making. The School Council is democratically elected. Candidates deliver their September manifestos before appealing for votes at the start of the Autumn term. 

Achievements and Plans

· The headteacher, other leaders and governors have made sure that the school has improved a great deal since the last inspection. They are all working together, determined to see that teaching and pupils’ achievement keep improving.


From their first days in the Reception class, pupils make good progress as they move up through the school.

Pupils behave well in lessons, around the school and on the playground. They feel very safe here because, as they say, ‘People look after you’.


We are proud to have achieved the following:

  • Basic Skills Quality Mark for Literacy and Numeracy
  • Healthy Schools Award
  • Active Mark for Sport
  • Artsmark Silver Award
  • Warwick Enterprise Award
  • International School Award
  • Workforce Development Award
  • Projectability Sports Award
  • School Games GOLD Award

School Terms

Under the 1986 Education Act children are required to be in school for 190 days each academic year. These are divided up into six terms. 

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 TO 2025 INSET DAYS ARE  2nd September, 25th October, 20th December, 23rd May, 27th June


Term Starts: Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Half Term: Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November
Term Ends: Thursday 19th December (Friday INSET day)



Term Starts: Monday 6th January
Half Term: Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February
Term Ends: Friday 28th March 


Term Starts: Monday 14th April (bank holidays 18th & 21st April)
Half Term: Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May
Term Ends: Wednesday 23rd July

These dates can all be found on the school website www.todwickps.org

The Foundation Stage

The Foundation Stage makes a crucial contribution to children’s early development and learning. In our Reception class (FS2), we provide our children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) focuses on developing key learning skills such as listening, speaking, concentrating, persistence and learning to work and co-operate with others whilst becoming part of the whole school community. Continual provision and learning through productive play are central to our philosophy.

The four prime areas of learning that make up the EYFS curriculum are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional development
  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Expressive Arts & Design

The three specific areas for learning are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the world

The outdoor environment is also a very special part of the EYFS curriculum. As such it is carefully planned for and used each day. The reception class has its own specially equipped outdoor area.

The teaching to achieve these early learning goals will be through first hand experience and structured play. The experiences will be linked to the National Curriculum. The teacher and teaching assistant will keep records on children’s experiences and attainments. Assessments of development and learning needs will begin as soon as the children start school and be ongoing throughout the school year. During the first few weeks of the autumn term the teacher will carry out a baseline assessment for every child. This will establish where they are in aspects of their learning and development and it will help future planning. The results of this early assessment will be shared with parents at the parents’ evening in the autumn term. By the end of the year the teacher will have built up an accurate profile of each child’s development.

We encourage children towards reading, communication, writing and mathematical skills from the very beginning. Much of this early learning is achieved through carefully structured play. Play is an important way of developing a wide variety of new skills and building up relationships with other children both individually and in groups.  Reading is taught using a variety of structured reading schemes supplemented with a wide range of other books. Books are graded and organised so as to allow children many opportunities for consolidation of key vocabulary. We ask parents to work with children at home by hearing them read on a daily basis and to continue reading stories to them. We are always pleased to discuss ways in which parents can help their child at each stage of their reading development.  Singing nursery rhymes and other songs will support reading and writing development, playing board games with a dice and counting games such as dominoes, telling the time and shared activities such as cooking will help with mathematical skills.

Key Stage 1 Infants (ages 5-7 years) and Key Stage 2 Juniors (ages 8-11 years)

The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Children also study the subjects below as part of the National Curriculum. These are called foundation subjects.

  • Art and Design
  • Design Technology (DT)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computing
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Foreign Language (French)

Children are also taught Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE).

Religious Education

Non-denominational Religious Education is provided for all children as part of the curriculum and is in accordance with the local agreed County Religious Education syllabus. The daily collective assembly an important part of the school day when we meet together as a community. It is a time when we place emphasis on the development of values and attitudes towards each other and the world around us. Assemblies can be, but are not always, of a religious nature. Christian values such as goodwill and kindness are emphasised. They are non-denominational and due consideration is given to the multicultural society in which we live.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship should they so wish.  If parents do not wish their child to be taught the agreed R.E. syllabus or take part in short acts of collective worship then they should inform us in writing. Their child can then be excused and suitable alternative arrangements made.

Extra-curricular activities

We offer a wide variety of clubs that take place during lunch break or after school. These are run by members of staff, parents and outside agencies. Some of the clubs we offer are:



  • Baking
  • Football (juniors)
  • Mini Kicks (infants)
  • Dance Club
  • Arts & Crafts

Educational Visits

Visits play an essential role in our work and take place on a regular basis. These vary from places in the locality for instance the village park or Greenscene Garden Centre to residential visits for children in key stage 2.

Home Learning

Todwick Primary School has a policy of providing home learning opportunities that are enjoyable, manageable and interesting. Children throughout the school are encouraged to read at home for at least 10 minutes on a daily basis. It is also expected that parents will write comments in a reading diary when they have shared a book or read together. We also ‘set’ homework which gives children the opportunity to carry out a variety of home learning tasks. These could be researching the strand of a topic, finding out specific information, practising spelling words that they find ‘tricky’, playing a game from school to consolidate a particular maths skill, visiting a place of interest, finding artefacts at home to bring into school ... the list is exstensive!

Assessment and Testing

In year 1 the children undergo phonics screening checks.  In the Summer term of year 2, the children have teacher assessments in the core subjects.  In year 6 children carry out the required Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in May. In other year groups the class teacher assesses each child’s development in spelling and grammar (SPAG) reading and writing, mathematics and science.

Parents are informed of how their child is progressing at termly parents evenings and at the end of the summer term as part of their child’s annual school report.  Three parents’ evenings are held throughout the year in November, February and July.

Teaching Methods

We use a wide variety of teaching methods according to the needs of the children and the nature of the activity. They include whole class, small group and individual teaching. Children will sometimes be grouped according to ability and experience. The groups may vary according to the task and will be flexible to reflect individual strengths and progress.

Special Educational Needs

Children’s progress is constantly monitored and assessed and careful records are kept. Occasionally we find that a child does not make the progress we expect. If this were the case parents are consulted and appropriate steps taken to support the child.  An Individual Education Plan may be made with individual targets, review dates and ideas to help parents to support their child at home. If targets continue not to be met, outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists or Behaviour Specialists may be called upon for extra support, providing parental consent is given. After further consultation with parents the Local Authority (LA) may have to make a statutory assessment based on specialist advice. The school and LA may then draw up an Education Healthcare Plan (EHC Plan). This describes all of the child’s needs and all the special help that should be provided.

Parents will always be consulted and kept fully informed at every stage once we have identified that their child could benefit from some extra help. This could be for educational, personal or social needs. Our assessment procedures will identify children of very high academic ability or talents and work will be planned to meet the learning requirements of these children. Outside agencies within the Local Authority may be used to supplement school resources for gifted and talented pupils.

School Uniform

Uniform is worn at Todwick to develop a sense of team spirit and pride in being a member of the Todwick School community.  All items should be named.

Winter                                                                         Colour

Skirt, trousers, shorts or pinafore dress                      Grey

Polo shirt                                                                     White

Sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece                                     Royal Blue

Shoes                                                                          Black

Tights or socks                                                             Black, white


Checked summer uniform dress                                 Light blue & white

Shorts                                                                          Grey

Shoes or fitted sandals                                                Plain black


P.E. kit

Round neck T-shirt                                                          White

P.E. shorts                                                                       Black

Plimsolls or trainers (not lace up)                                    Black or white (plain)

Tracksuit top or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms             Black

Hair bobble for long hair

Please note:                All items should be plain

                                    Denim items should not be worn.

Jewellery should not be worn at school although small studs are allowed for      pierced ears provided that the child is able to remove them personally for P.E. (if this is not possible due to recent piercing, plasters must be supplied from home to cover up the stud during PE)

                                    Nail varnish should not be worn at school.


In addition all children will need a P.E. bag and school book bag, these are available to purchase from our school uniform providers.

School uniform is available to buy from Pinders online or from www.myclothing.com  Embroidery is also available onto your own items at Tracie B Embroidery, South Anston.

Water bottles are needed, these should be named and taken home daily, children may only bring water to school.

Sickness   If your child is not able to attend school due to sickness please telephone the office as soon as possible to let us know.  Please note, children who have experienced sickness or diarrhoea must stay off school for 48 hours after the last episode.

And finally…

Our class sizes 2022-23…..

FS2     30 full

Y1       24 (6 spaces available)

Y2       29 (1 space available)

Y3       30 full

Y4       30 full

Y5       29 (1 space available)

Y6       31 full


We would be delighted to welcome you on a visit to look around our school.  If you are ready to apply for a school place for a child please contact RMBC Primary Admissions on 01709 382121.

All schools are very different and choosing the right one for your child is not an easy task. We wish you every success in finding the school that best suits your child’s unique personality, interests and learning needs.









We Would Love To Hear From You!

Todwick Primary School

Kiveton Lane, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1HJ

Mrs Alice Deeley: Headteacher

Mrs E Perry: Deputy Headteacher

Miss L Hawksworth: Assistant Headteacher

01909 771138[email protected]

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