
“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” - Salvador Dali



Intent Implementation Impact


At Todwick Primary School we intend to build an Art curriculum which aims to develop children’s creativity, imagination and personal skill sets. We want to ensure children not only develop their own ideas but also explore the work of others and evaluate a range of creative ideas. We intend to provide children with learning opportunities that expand their subject knowledge, understanding and key skills as set out in the National Curriculum. Children will become confident and proficient in a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, as well as other selected craft skills e.g. collage, printing, weaving and patterns. Children will also develop their knowledge of famous artists, designers and craft makers. The lessons will offer the chance for children to develop their emotional expression through art to further enhance their personal, social and emotional development.


  • Art will be delivered in each year group once a term following the whole school plan.
  • Children’s work will be kept in their sketch books and topic folders as well as a range of work on display in the classroom and throughout school.
  • Work will follow assessment in line with other foundation subject assessments.
  • Key vocabulary for each topic must be displayed in classrooms, this will provide children with opportunities to repeat and revise this knowledge.
  • Making clear cross curricular links between subjects will aid in underpinning children’s learning across the curriculum and support children in applying their skills.
  • Children will assess their own work and the work of their peers and other famous artwork in a critical yet positive manner.
  • Each key stage focuses on different themes to ensure continued interest in the subject as well as acquiring new knowledge.
  • Children will develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design
  • In Art children on occasion will be asked to work collaboratively of a team or partnership learning to support and help one another.
  • Adult guides and supporting resources are provided with each lesson. However, it is essential that resources are adapted to support the different learning needs of the children in each class.
  • Children will know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation



  • Art and design learning is loved by teachers and pupils across school.
  • Children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in Art that they will then apply to other areas of the National Curriculum.
  • Teachers have higher expectations and more quality evidence can be presented in a variety of ways to apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified.
  • Children will show greater confidence and be more consistent in their use of technical vocabulary.
  • Impact can also be measured through key questioning within lessons to determine children’s understanding.
  • Children improve their enquiry skills and inquisitiveness about the world around them, and their impact through art and design on the world.
  • The vast majority of children will achieve age related expectations in Art.
  • As artists children will become more confident in analyzing their work and giving their opinion on their own and other works of art.
  • Central displays will help to support the learning environment across school with technical vocabulary displayed.
  • All children in school can speak confidently about their art and design work and their skills.
  • Pupil voice will be carried out to assess children’s views on the subject.

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Todwick Primary School

Kiveton Lane, Todwick, Sheffield S26 1HJ

Mrs Alice Deeley: Headteacher

Mrs E Perry: Deputy Headteacher

Miss L Hawksworth: Assistant Headteacher

01909 771138[email protected]

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